Technology Enabling Small-Time Manufacturers To Export Big
4 min readMar 20, 2023

Exports have played a major role in stimulating economies globally and creating jobs. Advancements in technology have made it easier for small manufacturers to gain access to and export their products to international markets. Thus, governments and major corporations from around the world have been working on improving and expanding this crucial sector which would help countries to grow financially, especially in this uncertain global and geo-political environment. Global economies must embrace technology in exports to stabilize their economies and further move towards achieving global supremacy.

Furthermore, a company,, helps the global economy in accomplishing this aim by assisting global bulk agriculture and construction commodities trade by making use of its AI technology and majorly benefits small-scale manufacturers to export their produce by helping them overcome a multitude of challenges which they face in the global markets.

Problems Faced By Small-Scale Manufacturers

Small-scale manufacturers face a number of challenges that can limit their growth and profitability. However, by leveraging technology, building strategic partnerships, and focusing on niche markets, small businesses can compete with larger enterprises and succeed in the global marketplace. Let us understand a few problems faced by small-scale manufacturers while operating in the global markets and how Tradologie can help them.

● Access to markets: Small-scale manufacturers have limited access to markets, particularly international markets. This can be due to factors such as language barriers, lack of knowledge about foreign markets, high shipping costs, etc. Tradologie has buyers registered from over 100 countries and by overcoming language barriers and providing complete assistance, helps exporters to explore newer global markets for their products.

● Limited resources: Small-scale manufacturers typically have limited resources, including financial, technological, and human resources. This can make it difficult for them to compete with larger enterprises that have greater resources. The buyers that are registered on Tradologie’s global network have the freedom to select from a network of exporters and manufacturers who are also registered on the network. Exporters are provided regular leads for commodity purchases by the platform which they can easily fulfill as per their capabilities.

● Competition: Small scale manufacturers may face competition from larger enterprises that have greater resources and economies of scale. This can make it difficult for small businesses to compete on price and quality. Tradologie does not promote any particular exporter giving free will to buyers to choose from many vendors supplying their desired commodity. Thus, all vendors get an equal opportunity to fulfill buyer demand on a regular basis.

● Regulations: Small-scale manufacturers may face regulatory hurdles that can be time-consuming and costly to comply with. This can include environmental regulations, labor laws, and health and safety regulations. Tradologie provides logistical solutions from enquiry to delivery thus eliminating regulatory concerns faced by smaller manufacturers.

Tradologie and Technology

Here are some of the ways in which technology has enabled small-time manufacturers to export big:

● E-commerce platforms: Global E-commerce platforms such as Tradologie have made it easier for small manufacturers to reach a global audience. These platforms provide a cost-effective way to showcase products and sell them to customers all over the world.

● Digital Marketing: Digital marketing has made it easier for small manufacturers to reach customers in different parts of the world. Tradologie helps in this regard by creating micro-sites and promoting through other digital marketing channels, thereby providing a cost-effective way to promote products and reach a global audience.

● Cloud computing: Cloud computing has made it easier for small manufacturers to manage their operations, collaborate with partners, and store data. Tradologie offers live sessions on the platform itself for buyer seller interactions to facilitate trade.

● Logistics and Shipping: Technology has made it easier for small manufacturers to handle logistics and shipping. All the solutions regarding your bulk agro-commodities and branded goods business’s trade on Tradologie is provided by the company which makes the global trade market easily accessible and transparent.

● Translation Services: Language barriers can be a major obstacle for small manufacturers looking to export their products. However, assistance in multiple languages provided by Tradologie has made it easier for small businesses to communicate with customers and suppliers in different parts of the world.

Overall, technology-based platforms such as Tradologie have made it easier for small-time manufacturers to export their products to international markets. By leveraging these tools and services, small businesses can compete with larger enterprises and reach a global audience.

Tradologie has over 600,000 verified buyers and 70,000+ verified and registered suppliers in its network, and through the platform you can connect and conduct export and imports with ease.

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TRADOLOGIE.COM is the World’s 1st Next-Generation, B2B Global Marketplace Platform, providing enquiry to delivery trade enablement solution.